Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ok so I haven't put much on here,so this is the up date. Did White rock marathon as training run,ran with some folks on a relay team. I took the first leg and ran it fairly hard it was a 10k length leg and took about 52-54 min. Ran the rest felt pretty good after the next couple of miles. It was a very humid day and the winds were kicking out around the lake. Ran in my spira racing flats as my Newtons had not arrived and all my others were wore out. Not very smart,but my foot is very tender from long run in Nov. on worn shoes,not very smart anyway finished just under 5hrs not bad for training run. I then did a recovery week, then ran a 50k training run out at benbrook it went from cold to warm and took 6 1/2 hours did it in my new Newtons but foot felt bad all day. Taper time, feel good,foot hurts when running,do all the stuff to it but doesn't help. Start training for the lonestar 1/2 ironman with Tridentfw group doing hart rate training. The wed. before Houston go to gym for swim and can't get a lane so I get a wise Idea and tread water in 98 degree PT pool at gym may help at start of tri. So I do this for 45 min. then get into sauna. Not smart, after about 10 min in sauna feel the urge to take a cement nap but fight it off. Feel like crap all day. Slowride says I bagled and will be all right. So after that I just rest till race. Get to Houston feel good except foot still hurts when running. Race day morning wake up with the runs, take a anti runs pill and go to start. Start race,its humid and warm every thing goes good except have to make a couple of pit stops,take another anti runs pill, and no more runs. Some where between 17 and 19 mi. stomach has one more thing on its mind and I as they say blow chunks. I don't have any more episodes and finish in 5 hrs. Not what I was looking for but is another one down,20 at marathon are over. Oh that right, forgot the foot still hurt. So I'm back and done with marathon I go to see Dr. Brian he works my foot over and gives me some exercises and the foot feels better before I leave office. Note to self go to Dr. when it first starts hurting not two months later. Thats about it for now Training this ironman HR thing will see how that goes the event is about8 weeks out. And I signed up for el sorcho.

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