Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well it's time to get it in gear. Been kinda drifting taking it easy. Think I have got a plan now for the rest of year. Will start building my run for El Scorcho,did 14 miles at Benbrook yesterday did 1min.walk @ HR so it was very slow 2:50 but it felt real good being out and running. I think I will do my tri training Tue-Thurs. swim 2000,bike about 1-2 hours @HR run @lunch, think I will also put in some core,legs,arms a couple of times a week,will rest mon. and fri. sat will do long ride @hr sun. long run@ HR. I need to drop a few pounds so I will work at being good on the food side. I might slide in a sprint or oly but not a lot as I plan on doing the longhorn half with slowride in Oct. after that I'll rest a bit and start to build for something bigger. I am also going to try and swim a couple of days a week with coach to improve my swim. Hope the extra core and body will help also and I know dropping a few LBs will give me happy feet. So that's the plan for now

1 comment:

Derek said...

El Scorcho, I'll be there as well again. Hoping for cool weather, but not expecting it.