Friday, June 18, 2010

cowtown 50k ultra

So did the 50miler the first weekend in Feb. still felt good so what the heck why not. I will start tri training the next day after cowtown,the last weekend in Feb. So I don't tell anybody that I'm doing cowtown because just don't want to hear the your stupid stuff. So I get up and get Darla to take me to the start,she is going shopping and will come back and pick me up after. Got real cold and stiff after the 50mile run and had a couple of bad moments try to get up stairs and into room at motel. Thought that maybe I should have someone around to make sure I make it to the car and drive me home after long events. Live and learn,hate to make people kill there whole day for my hobbies. Anyway had to wait out with a cugillion other fools in the cold, it was a delayed start,just a point cowtown and white rock you have out grown your start area. I know its about the money for you but come on its still a race treat it as so and take care of your runners. Anyway started off slow had to take a pit stop at mile 3 that took over 10 min. to few portajohns. But if I hadnt stopped I would have popped. It was a great day for a 50k and felt good untill about 10 miles to go and then it got hard,road race are a hammering. Whith 3miles to go my hamstring started to cramp so I had to walk about a 1/2 mile or so but was able to run in the last mile. Was pretty tired and hammered after but was done untill after tri season. But then again no

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