Friday, June 18, 2010

New Years day

After talking to Mike aka totally spoked, at Heathers NY eve party got the bug to do the rocky racoon 50mile endurance trail run. It was a pretty good party I guess,the tarp naked midnight run was funny in a stick a needle in your eye,I don't know these guys kind of way. So on with the trail run,I signed up and didnt tell anybody about it. I think Darla knew what I was doing she would find me on there web site all the time. She like whats wrong with you,all you guys that have this problem you know what I mean. So I think this is the race for me as they run a hundred mile race at the same time and they give the 50 milers the same time to finish 24 hrs. I do the math and feel if I can make it trough the training it's a slam dunk. I start doing the miles,most on the old tread mill. Doing the long runs on the treadmill is easy for me as I have all the things I need close,restroom,fluids,food. And I know from all that time on the website that they have three aid stations that you hit 6 times on a 16.7 mile loop that you do three times so they would have every thing that I needed and wouldnot have to carry everthing. As my Long runs started getting 7,8,9,up to 13.5 hours long The tread was it for me. It just drove Darla crazy,spent the whole day on the tread mill,watched football games you name it,but I finished everyone and each one made me know that I could do it. Did some back to back long days 30miles sat. and 18 to 22 on sunday. Came race day it was cold but clear,no rain or wind. want bore you with the blow by blow but I had a plan kept to it and finished and that was my goal to just finish. Was hoping to finish before dark but still needed 3/4 of a lap when the lights went out so there no way I was running those trails at night. So I walke it in and that put alot of time on my run but thats ok as you don't know how tore up you are until it to late. After the race It came to me how cold it was and by the time I drove to motel I was pretty stoved up.

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