Monday, September 7, 2009

Wow have not posted up in a while. Well have done the El Sorcho and wussed out again just did the 25k don't know what it was about it was cool,just didn't have it. Done a couple of t shirt rides but have tryed to get with the program on the 70.3 ironman in oct. am about to load up for the fwrunners club 15k, will try to post up more later.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Did the Cleburne Iron Horse sprint tri. yesterday. Wanted to go under 1:20, did 1:27 and thats ok. Swim got messed up about halfway through ran into lady breathstroking across the lanes,thats a first for me in a pool swim,so I did the Tbone crash into her,had to push her off and that when acouple of guys tried to swim over me this ended up in a bit off smackdown kinda thing. This took about 25 yards to right. T1 was ok but you can allways do better. Bike went well but could have left a little more on the road. T2 ran wrong way so there is some seconds there. Run was hot but felt like I was running slower than really did. Over all every thing went well and I can see that I could have done much worse. Felt pretty good at the end. Did'nt puke thats a plus but shows it wasn't a all out deal. Am alittle sore this am so I might have went alittle harder than I thought. So whats next?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just got back from Texmex pigout. Been getting up and swimming,riding the mountain bike to work and back and getting in 3miles running at lunch. Lastweek end it rained on sat. so I road trainer 6hrs and ran at Benbrook about 4hrs Did the burleson ride today 100k felt real good and tomorrow will run for 2hrs. Got a sprint next weekend in Cleburne,don't know how it will go have not done a sprint this year but should be fun. My long run the next weekend should be 5 or 6 hours.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well it's time to get it in gear. Been kinda drifting taking it easy. Think I have got a plan now for the rest of year. Will start building my run for El Scorcho,did 14 miles at Benbrook yesterday did 1min.walk @ HR so it was very slow 2:50 but it felt real good being out and running. I think I will do my tri training Tue-Thurs. swim 2000,bike about 1-2 hours @HR run @lunch, think I will also put in some core,legs,arms a couple of times a week,will rest mon. and fri. sat will do long ride @hr sun. long run@ HR. I need to drop a few pounds so I will work at being good on the food side. I might slide in a sprint or oly but not a lot as I plan on doing the longhorn half with slowride in Oct. after that I'll rest a bit and start to build for something bigger. I am also going to try and swim a couple of days a week with coach to improve my swim. Hope the extra core and body will help also and I know dropping a few LBs will give me happy feet. So that's the plan for now

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So will start the Thursday before the race. Went to see Dr. Bryan and he gave me the green to go on the foot so that's a good way to start out. Friday we left for Galveston,had a nice ride we listened to a book on the way down. Got there checked in to or motel (5 min. from race site) got our swim stuff went to race site. Hooked up with our fellow torpedo's, got into the suite,second time to do this,it was faster this time. We got in and swam the sprint course ,water was said to be 64, felt better than at Benbrook the Sunday before. Everyone said that they were wobbly when getting out and it was because of the sea and water in their ears. I just thought that was the way it always feels,they said earplugs would fix that and it would keep you warmer. The suite feels real tight but man you float great and I need all the help I can get in the water. I feel better about this deal,but am still kinda worried. We walk around a bit then go to eat, we ate Mexican,nothing real heavy duty though. Went back to room lay around watched some TV crashed. Sat.morning we got up ran into Jackie &his wife and Linda at breakfast(mini wheat,apple strudel,juice,coffee) we talk it up a bit and decide we are going to do our last brick very soon and not wait till later. We ride down the bike course 15 min and back and I run down to transition and back. It was kinda windy but not to bad,warm and humid but that's what I expected. We ate lunch (subway) then go down to the race site for the pre race meeting,bla,bla,bla, the whole time the meetings going on Am looking at the markers on the swim,they have put out the half markers and it looks like you swim across the bay and go from one end to the other,I know I can do it but am getting alittle pumped looking at it. We then do alittle shopping,talking ect. We then go and drive the bike course, it just out and back with a loop at the end it took a long time to drive. We find the wall mart and get some ear plugs,by now it afternoon,we want to eat early so we pull into Chile's I had a chicken salad some bread don't remember what Darla had getting kinda freaked but I try to act cool because I know it will pass. We get back to the room and go to getting every thing packed,mixed,ready for the am.
I have a hard time sleeping I kinda have a sore throat,ears,head thing that started Friday night,I go threw in my head how ever thing is to go down. We wake up start getting ready,Darla says it raining out but before you know it we are down at the race. When we are walking up to the check in for some reason I loose the nerves and feel like I was ready to go. We have to wait and wait to get into the water Its fun to watch everyone and take in the feel, I love the smell of neoprene in the morning, It feels like victory. Anyway I digress, we get in the water and swim.
The swim goes like the other open water swims but longer,I am always at the back with all the wacko swimmers. For some reason I have a feeling of just being happy to be out swimming,this happens on the bike and the run. It's a good feeling and I have only experienced this on long training runs like 6 hours or so it feels like you could go all day. About halfway in the swim I feel the suite rubbing my neck,so I make a point of not raising my head as high,also I find that my right arm is restricted and have to work at getting it up and out there to stroke. I swim wide and come in on the corners just the way it worked out. Getting out of the water I don't wobble and the swim felt just about right as far as temp. It was a good thing to get the ear plugs they worked. Had real hard time getting my arms out of the suite but did and went to T1 felt good put on gloves,socks,tri top,ect. no problem. I think most were out on bike when I left,didn't look around allot saw and talked to Linda, and a couple of guys racked next to me. Out on the ride was alone stayed in HR zone as best as I could had alittle cross wind but was looking forward to having it at my back on way back. After I had rode a while started drinking and gels at around 10miles I think the first guy came by I felt like I was going slow but I knew not to mess with the ride my goal was to finish so I just tried to stay down and wait. Had a couple of bad spots at the end/turn around loops but wasn't to bad. I don't know if it was the saltwater or what but started feeling bloated,alittle queasy,and like I needed to pee the whole time. Stopped at the last turn aide station change to another 22 oz. 2hour bottle,I also drank about 16 oz.cold water it was really good, went to port a jon and had a pee, felt better. On the way back the wind got stronger and stronger(forgot saw Ricci and Susan they were all up and happy,it was at a bad spot so it made me feel better as they were working hard and Susan had a broken toe thing) started picking up riders at about 15-20 to go then more at 10 miles by then the wind was just stupid hard came up on Darla she was hanging tuff and not to happy with the wind. Finished the ride and was glad to get off the bike. Note to self/self do not ride long again in tri short/need more pad and buy some bike shoe not mountain bike shoes. Did T2 and started the run,legs felt good no problem at all with legs. Stayed in HR first two of the four laps were easy. Third lap the bloat was getting bad all I wanted was water but it made it worse. Saw all the crew on the run they seem real up beat but you could tell they were hurting. On the last lap with maybe 1/2 mile to go I hit the port a jon and you would have thought some one had punched a hole in a hot air balloon I don't know if it was me are the wind out side but the port a jon was rocking. After evacuation I felt like a new man was able to run in strong to the finish. Stuck around to enjoy seeing the rest of our group finish strong and that was it. Things I learned ear plugs,thicker shorts, better fitting wet suite,better bike shoes and have good people around for support.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

About one week to go till the half,doing my brick inside on trainer&treadmill way to cold/windy out. Need to get my new wetsuite in the water, feels pretty bad dry,look like some kind of out of shape mime,feel like JimmyDeen packed me in a sausage skin.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

my girls,summer 2008

My son&me in Co.2006

Ultracentric 6hr 2007-50k 5:54 I think. was a good run.

White rock marathon 2006- cold,wet,nasty

NYC Marathon 1981

Cowtown 50k 2007

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ok so I haven't put much on here,so this is the up date. Did White rock marathon as training run,ran with some folks on a relay team. I took the first leg and ran it fairly hard it was a 10k length leg and took about 52-54 min. Ran the rest felt pretty good after the next couple of miles. It was a very humid day and the winds were kicking out around the lake. Ran in my spira racing flats as my Newtons had not arrived and all my others were wore out. Not very smart,but my foot is very tender from long run in Nov. on worn shoes,not very smart anyway finished just under 5hrs not bad for training run. I then did a recovery week, then ran a 50k training run out at benbrook it went from cold to warm and took 6 1/2 hours did it in my new Newtons but foot felt bad all day. Taper time, feel good,foot hurts when running,do all the stuff to it but doesn't help. Start training for the lonestar 1/2 ironman with Tridentfw group doing hart rate training. The wed. before Houston go to gym for swim and can't get a lane so I get a wise Idea and tread water in 98 degree PT pool at gym may help at start of tri. So I do this for 45 min. then get into sauna. Not smart, after about 10 min in sauna feel the urge to take a cement nap but fight it off. Feel like crap all day. Slowride says I bagled and will be all right. So after that I just rest till race. Get to Houston feel good except foot still hurts when running. Race day morning wake up with the runs, take a anti runs pill and go to start. Start race,its humid and warm every thing goes good except have to make a couple of pit stops,take another anti runs pill, and no more runs. Some where between 17 and 19 mi. stomach has one more thing on its mind and I as they say blow chunks. I don't have any more episodes and finish in 5 hrs. Not what I was looking for but is another one down,20 at marathon are over. Oh that right, forgot the foot still hurt. So I'm back and done with marathon I go to see Dr. Brian he works my foot over and gives me some exercises and the foot feels better before I leave office. Note to self go to Dr. when it first starts hurting not two months later. Thats about it for now Training this ironman HR thing will see how that goes the event is about8 weeks out. And I signed up for el sorcho.